Monday, January 26, 2009



AIDA is a behavioral model, created by Strong in 1925. It was created with the aim that an advertisement raises awareness, stimulates interest, creates desire and leads the customer to action.
With the AIDA model Strong suggests that for an advertisement to be effective it has to be one that:
1. Commands Attention
2. Leads to Interest in the product
3. And thence to Desire to own or use the product
4. And then finally leads to Action
It states that an ad should be designed in such a way that the customer passes through all these four phases. It also states that advertising should inject memorable and believable messages that will persuade costumers to act in a certain way.
The advertising world focuses more on the two main behavioral responses: awareness and interest. One of the popular features followed by ad agencies is AIDA.

AIDA is an acronym stands for: A – Attention I – Interest D – Desire A – Action
AIDA model states that advertising agency should know how to draw attention of a buyer to get the customer interested by exhibiting its advantages, benefits and features. Interest is followed by desire. It is advertising agency’s duty to create a desire in a buyer to buy a specific product. All three steps of the AIDA help to stimulate the action towards the purchase of a product. AIDA theory guides and leads you to build a better advertising business.
1. No evidence to prove that customers behave in this rational, linear way.
2. The model ignores the role of context, environment and mediation in influencing the effectiveness of the advertisement.
3. The model is more appropriate when dealing with high involvement purchases and not in low involvement purchases that are often spontaneous.


  1. Hi Urvashi! its a nice spproach for media students.keep it up.......

    -Umesh Pathak

  2. This is a unique blog especially for media student across the world.
